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Unrivaled flexibility.
Distribution for the production of tomorrow.

Our added value


Free material list analysis and price reduction due to economies of scale 

Savings from multinational vendors typically allow us to generate 2-digit percentage savings as well as competitive prices at small volumes on integrated circuits such as FPD, SPLD, CPLD, FPGA, MPU microprocessors, MCU, and memory microcontrollers.

We also supply drivers, potentiometers, switches, converters, amplifiers, and other semiconductors.  


Delivery of commonly unavailable goods 

Long-term partnerships and strategic storage of electronic components often allow us to deliver goods that are normally unavailable. Alternatively, take advantage of our trained team, who will look for an item from an alternative manufacturer.


Significant production savings during the world market material shortage

While in standard times we reduce the average cost of material, in non-standard times we use the knowledge, experience, flexibility, and continuous training of the team to find solutions. By delivering the material itself, we enable customers to manufacture. 


Personal long-term partnership

Man comes first. We are aware of the changing world and the diverse needs of our customers. That's why we use the combination of our trained professionals and built-in technologies to create your long-term competitive advantage and satisfaction.

A distribution that is like your fingerprint.

Our customers see suppliers not only as a source of cost optimization, but as a partner who is ready for continuous market changes and rapidly changing needs. A flexible tech-distributor is part of the engine that drives your mission.


AMD | Analog Devices | Broadcom Inc. |
Infineon Technologies | Marvell Technology | Microchip Technology |
NXP Semiconductors | STMicroelectronics | Texas Instruments | 

However, it is primarily a matter of what you have on your material list. Therefore, the best way to take advantage of our flexibility is to send us the specific items you need to resolve. 

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